Monday, September 29, 2014

Who needs sleep?

We do, we do!!  Did you know that the latest research indicates that elementary students need 10-12 hours of sleep each night?  This can even increase in the teen years.  Given the increased availability of programming outside of school in churches, sports, clubs and other valuable activities, our children are getting less and less sleep.  Wherever possible, making sure your children get enough sleep each night, and 'catch up' when they haven't been able to (Sunday night!!) will set them ready to learn, and increase their health.  Want to learn more?  

Settling in and leadership

As the school year breaches into October, we now have a clear sense of routine and direction for the year.  It's easy at this point to 'settle in' and loose some of the excitement of a new, fresh year.  It becomes important to remind ourselves of and encourage one another in the story we are taking hold of and want to write for this year.  
A key group of people who have been doing this are our Student Executive. Senior students in leadership roles have been busy recruiting younger students to help out with tasks such as changing the sign, milk delivery, recycling, bus patrols, decorating, intramurals, spirit days, praise team and A/V.  Their enthusiasm for the school and the ways in which they are building one another up is inspiring.  While leadership can be daunting, messy, and challenging, it is also teaching our senior students two valuable lessons: 1) They are responsible for the culture in this place, and 2) they have valuable God-given gifts that can be used NOW... not just in the future.  1 Timothy 4:12:  "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

Monday, September 22, 2014

Leaders convene in Victoria, BC

I have just returned from a few days in Victoria, BC where Christian Schools Canada assembled over 200 Christian school leaders from  across Canada, the US, and as far away as South Africa, South Korea, and Australia.  It was an incredibly rich experience in so many ways.  We were stimulated intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and encouraged in our task of leading in the project of Christian education.  Specifically, there were opportunities to dialogue with fellow leaders on the topics of teaching and learning, our present context of a secular society and what that means, and how we can continue to develop and walk a Christian story, inviting the world into a deep tradition and faith developed over the ages.  We are a part of an amazing venture across this nation.  May God be glorified as we continue here in our corner of Ontario to live, learn, and serve!  John 15:5:""I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

Monday, September 15, 2014

I Love to Tell the Story

Our staff devotions began this week with the singing of "I love to tell the story", an iconic 'story' song in the Christian faith.  We discussed how important it is to continue to tell the biblical stories that were and are such a cornerstone for God's chosen people in Old Testament days and Christians today.  
The climax of the biblical story thus far is the coming of Christ and the fulfillment of a promise made already to Adam and Eve and continuing through Noah, Abraham, Moses, and throughout the developing story of God and his faithfulness to his people.
Without a knowledge of the stories preceding him, Christ's life and ministry, death and resurrection become a great story in and of themselves, but lack the cosmic impact that comes from the context.  It's why it is so vital to continue to tell 'the old, old stories'.  Christ's death and resurrection affect all of creation, back through time and forward into the future.  As I wandered the halls and listened in on each class this morning, it was a delight to hear that oral tradition and study alive and well in our classrooms as teachers began their day with devotions and Bible classes... telling the old stories and setting the stage for the coming of Christ.
Our students will be able to go forward themselves and 'love to tell the story'.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sign here in Red

While a red marker is often associated with 'marking' on school papers, we found a new use for the colour red on Friday night.  As we gathered together at Covenant for our annual welcome back open house and dessert social, new families were asked to wear red name tags and our continuing families black name tags.  Why name tags in a familiar community?  One parent and I shared the joy that 12 new families are joining us this year.  15% of our membership is new to Covenant, our routines, habits, and community.  While a name tag seems like a small detail, being able to address one another by name is a big part of being a welcoming place.  The red marker allows us to open our arms intentionally to those who are new.  Simple, but beautiful. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Taking Hold of God's Story

Here we are at a new year!!  In our opening chapel this morning, we learned more about what it means to be a part of God's story, and how we might 'Take hold of' that story.  It involves looking back to the origins of our story (Psalm 139:16), as well as ahead to the role we play in God's story for our lives (Ephesians 2:10). Not only did God ordain all of our days in his book before we were born, he also crafted a lifetime of work for us to do!  How are we to respond?  By taking hold, of course!!!!  This year, we will look for ways in which God has been faithful to his promises, and we will also look for ways to be faithful to Him. The image of a pathway helps us to see that we are on a journey in this story - looking back and looking forward.  What an exciting thing it is to be a part of God's story in Christian Education.