Professional Development. So what do all of those teachers do for two days, anyways? Is it really worth it? As past chair of Edifide (the Ontario Christian School Teacher's Association), I cannot answer that question more emphatically than "YES!!" Imagine over 800 teachers from as far away as PEI and Thunder Bay all under one roof for two days. Here's what I have come to experience at the end of October over the past 16 years:
1) Worship and reflection. Loud praise as unified teaching voices, and rich inspiration from some of the best speakers in the nation.
2) Honing the craft of teaching. Introduction to and deeper instruction in some of education's best practices. Christian education is great education by any standards.
3) Developing the art of Christian teaching. This is the largest group of Christian educators in the nation looking to do what our schools claim to do: raise up children in the fear of the Lord. The initial vision of Christian schools in Ontario ignited over 50 years ago is alive and well.... and being strengthened each year.
4) Connection. Sometimes being a Christian school teacher can feel lonely in the midst of a majority of publically funded schools and professionals. Re-connecting with colleagues in similar schools provides the needed face to face conversations that will continue throughout the year via phone, email, and online discussion forum. Together, we make one another better Christian School teachers.
Please pray for the teachers on Thursday and Friday. They are the heart and soul of our Christian schools. May God be glorified in their development!!