This morning we ran through one of our final full school rehearsals for our Christmas program later this week. Students worked through their lines, their spoken word recitation of scripture, sang their songs both as class groups and as a full school, and our tech crew and directors attempted to keep everything focussed and audible.
A few months ago, Dr. James K.A. Smith spoke to Canadian Christian education leaders about the importance of school as a re-habit-uation, re-form-ation project. Telling the story, and living it out in habit speaks to our minds and bodies in ways other methods cannot. No one can drive a nail successfully the first time they pick up a hammer... it takes practice and habit - in fact hundreds, if not thousands of nails need to be placed and hit before driving a spike becomes second nature. But, once it becomes second nature, it becomes near impossible to shake or unlearn. The habit forms ability.
The expression of our faith in the songs of Christmas have been practiced hundreds of times at school to a point where they are becoming a part of each student participating. I hear it in classrooms, hallways, school yard, staff room, and yes, even in the washrooms. It is our prayer that as our habits in words and melodies have become a part of us, that you will leave our Christmas celebrations humming or singing along with the reminder of "the Word became flesh...."; that:
Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas; star and angels gave the sign.
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