Monday, January 12, 2015

Big kids helping little kids

I've written about this in the past, and some of you will notice the above title "Big Kids Helping Little Kids" making its way into some posts on Facebook if you follow us there.
Covenant is a school that, even in name, seeks to make good on a promise.  God promises to be our God, just as he did with Jacob at Bethel.  As parents, we refer to our dedication or baptismal promises... we acknowledge that our children are covenant children.  I witnessed this again just a few weeks ago, and watched as a congregation affirmed their part and responsibility in raising that child up.  They promised to love, care and encourage them and to help them follow Christ.
Much of the research on moral education of children, of those who live out their faith, points to the importance of leading by example.  We can teach children why and how to follow Christ, to love our neighbour as ourselves, but unless they have that modeled for them, it does not always 'take'.
Practice is necessary in any discipline and lifestyle.  It's why at Covenant we ask, encourage, (and even require) our big kids to help little kids.  Without the practice of 'doing for others', we will not know how to live out our faith in a very real way to others.  Even the act of receiving help from others is important in community building.
Today was the first day of skating on our outdoor rink!  Skates are a difficult thing for young children to put on, to tie, and they need help.  For our big kids to come over and help little kids as a matter of necessity is one small step in building community and in having them practice the love of Christ in a real and practical way.  A few years from now, our little kids will be big kids - asked to tie the skates of others.  Our big kids will be adults, asked to love, care and encourage children and to help them follow Christ.  At that point, they'll know what that means, and how to go about it!!!

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