It's busy. Really busy. Some of it is good busy, some of it not-so-good-busy, some of it just necessary busy. I'm sure most of you can relate. So many things that we need to do for upcoming events (and Christmas programs!!!), family visits, planning for the new year, etc etc etc.
It's almost as if we were in the hustle and bustle of Bethlehem so many years ago. I've had the privilege of visiting various re-enactments of the Christmas setting at churches over the years (an excellent one at Calvary Gospel Church in Beamsville, if you get a chance to go). What I appreciate at these events is the reminder that Bethlehem at that time was CRAZY BUSY. They were not normally equipped to have all of the line of David come into town at the orders of the government at the time. They were doing all they could just to meet the demand, the necessary, the good busy, and the not-so-good-busy. Sound familiar.
Along comes a couple in rather desperate need of a place to stay with nothing but apologetic looks at best, or annoyance at worst.
Now, in 2017, almost 2018, how am I receiving the coming Messiah? Who is at my door asking to please have a place to stay? Is it Christ himself asking for space in my life? Is it someone in physical or emotional or spiritual need just asking 'Do you have room for me/us?'.
Who am I saying 'no, sorry' to?
Ignatius Loyola scripted a prayer for just such a time as this - a reminder to me, a reminder to you.... to make room this season:
Lord, help me to make room for you this Advent. Help me to clear out every nook and cranny of my heart and soul and to let go of all things that are not of you. Come into my heart. Give me the grace to respond to you freely and trust you completely. Fill me with your love and your grace. I know that you are all I really need, so please help me to choose you—every time. Let every movement of my heart and soul bring greater glory to you, Lord. Amen.
I pray this for me, and for you as you work with your own 'busy' and ensure that you make room for the Saviour of the world... God in the flesh who became one of us to bear our burdens and our sins.
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