Monday, May 25, 2015

Caring for their Community

One of our support organizations picked up the news of the Peach Bud Run in support of the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation last week.  They simply observed:  
"Students at Covenant Christian School caring for their community."
It was delightful to hear the cheers throughout the school when we announced to the students that they had together raised over $8000!  Wow.  God is capable of so much.  Our goal was to break $5000....  As we look over how these donations came in - many of them $5, $5, $5.... from neighbours, friends, people willing to support in small ways.  Many, many small acts of kindness add up like drops in a bucket.  And so it is in community.  Small works of kindness practiced minute by minute add up to days, weeks, months, years.  They form practice, habit, character, and identity.
In the lives of our students, this is one more communal act of kindness that will be swallowed up in a lifetime of service.  Was this great thing 'normal'?   I pray that it will become that.  As God continues to work through this school community in the lives of our students, we commit them to Him as he shapes them for a multitude of small things which will add up to His mighty work of redemption through His people.  Caring for our community is just one way we are Taking Hold of God's Story.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Caring for the sick...

It's our Peach Bud School Challenge Week!  Students have been busy raising funds for the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation.  I hear excitement from students as they get off the bus in the morning to tell of how their neighbour sponsored them, or their aunt/uncle, grandparent, or friend.
Events like this benefit our local community, and are important in and of themselves.  So much of God's law and Christ's example focus on caring for those who are in need - the poor, the orphaned, the widows, the foreigners.... God cares about physical need, and charges us to care for them.
Further, though, the habit and action of our students 'pounding the pavement' and 'drumming up support' for others is an important educational development in their lives.  I recall as a child going door to door in my small town gathering money for the annual 'Right to Life' walkathon each year.  There were those who did not want to support, but so many others thanked us for our efforts and for giving them the opportunity to help out.  Teaching our kids to become comfortable with bringing attention to the rights and needs of others, giving them a real outlet to make a difference, and to show them that a community is capable of doing great things through small efforts.....  that's when school can become education for a life of service.  
Let's take hold of this good work that God has prepared for us!!!
Interested in helping out?  We could use a few extra parent spectators to supervise the younger ones as they complete their challenge.  Call the office if you are able to hang around this Friday from 9:00-10:30 to participate in the fun!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It's almost Field Day!

I've been watching our field day teams come together - groups of older and younger kids working to practice and prepare for our big day on Wednesday.  We are ready for the challenge!  As a matter of habit and practice, teachers have been working hard on the culture of these teams as well, and I'm pleased to say that it is bearing fruit!  The amount of encouragement and praise on each team is wonderful to watch.
Ephesians 4:29  "Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."
Historically, Track and Field day has been for student either the best day ever, or for some, the worst day ever.  In the spirit of friendly competition, of building one another up, of encouraging each other, and of offering up our best efforts ever, I am praying that each of our Covenant students can walk away from Wednesday saying "I am valued, I did my best, and I was encouraged!"  
Continue this conversation on at home.  If every student takes ownership of encouraging others, we will have lived in to one of our theme verses, and will be taking hold of God's story: Ephesians 2:10:  "For each of us is God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

Monday, May 4, 2015


May has arrived and so has a frenzy of activity!!  There are so many things going on, and along with each comes opportunity to be a light and and example to others.  This will be a focus of chapel on Wednesday as we look to take hold of God's story in ways of encouragement.  Sometimes encouragement comes in the form of words.  We try to use those often.  Many other times, it comes through actions.  Paul encourages the Thessalonians in his first letter to them, not because they needed to be corrected, but because they needed to be reminded to continue....:  "Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each otherand build each other upjust as you are already doing." 1 Thess. 5:10-11
A favourite quote of mine that embodies this notion has always been: 
"Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words."
As we look to do this in our school, in our communities, and in our region through our actions this month, keep this in front of you as we take hold of God's story.