Friday, September 9, 2016

Take off your shoes...

In a course I took once, our instructor asked us to take off our shoes as we entered.  His assertion:  that if we entered into that course and into our education faithfully, we would be standing on Holy ground.  We would enter as one person, but emerge as someone new, touched and changed by God. That moment has never left me, and I still carry it as a reminder as I embark on learning or teaching each year.

The idea of Holy ground is carried well in both schools' themes this year.  "Anchored to God's Promises" at John Knox and "Rooted in Christ" at Covenant both emphasize that our very identity is in the Lord whom we serve.  As we rely on the anchor able to firmly secure us to the sea bed or the root system tightly entwined into the soil, we are given and have the freedom to hoist our sail and grow and explore, or to branch out, blossom and grow, both fulfilling our created purpose.

It's a new year!  As we enter this year of God's faithfulness, let's remind ourselves that we are indeed on Holy ground, and that we will each emerge in June as new creations... evidenced by God's handiwork in our lives here!  Are you ready for God to work?