Monday, April 25, 2016

The celebration continues

We are breathing a sigh of relief around here after a busy, but WONDERFUL Christian Education Week.  What a blessing it was to share our school with so many visitors - pastors, grandparents, senior friends, and yes, parents!  It was not only a reminder of the treasure we have in this school, but to the very wide reach of support we enjoy.  
This week, we are paying special note to some of our partners in Christian Education.  This morning, we were encouraged by our literal neighbours at Smithville Christian High School as their principal, Ted Harris led our staff in devotions.  He shared words from 1 Corinthians 3: "It's not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed grow.  The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work.  For we are both God's workers. And you are God's field. You are God's building."  There were even elegant words of poetry as he expounded on our unique relationship!
This week we will also be spending some time with our sister school John Knox Christian School in Stoney Creek who are celebrating Christian Education week. On Wednesday, we will travel down with grades 1-8 to view their drama production "Not your average Joe."
Knowing that we are not chasing a vision of Christian Education on our own, but do so alongside other schools is a treasure.  Please pray this week for the great work that goes on across our region, our province, our country, and our world in service of planting seeds, watering them, and proclaiming the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christian Education Week

Here we are!  This week we at Covenant are on display!
This is always a special week as we invite the 'pillars' of our community to come through and spend some time with us.  Our gallery of art and student work has been set up through the building.  Our spring musical production is running through final rehearsals. Our pastors are coming to visit on Wednesday the 20th, and our long time and faithful supporters (grandparents and senior friends) will spend the morning on Friday with us.
Finally, our parent open house is scheduled for 2:00-3:00 on Friday afternoon (the 22nd).  You have likely come by to see your kids in action before, but this is a time where we fling open the doors and welcome you in to seeing a classroom in action.  While this week is not a typical week, and there is a lot of extra hustle and bustle, the things we are doing are routine:
Living for Jesus, Learning for Life, Serving with Gladness.... this is commonplace at Covenant, and we are deliberate about each of them.  The character of our students and teachers character and how we live is important.  We seek Jesus faithfully day after day in even our simple interactions.  You will see life... real life throughout our hallways.  Students engaged not just in learning about the real world, but engaging in it.  Service learning comes alive in our chapel activities, but also internally as we serve one another, and as we reach out to the world.
In our final work of the week, you will see how a Christian school interprets a common folk tale, and how God speaks through simple actions of even a bickering community..... because at the end of the day, that is what we are:  Not a perfect Christian school community, but one that struggles with its own brokenness.  God reminds us who we are, how to relate, and that we are loved... and that He longs for us to seek him and live in unity:  "May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. John 17:23b  Now that is living as children of light!
Come see us this week, as we plug in to God's power.

Monday, April 11, 2016

A Cloud of Witnesses, a Community of Support

We were treated this past Saturday to an evening of 'Upstanding Comedy' with Timmy Boyle who provided the entertainment for the annual board fundraiser.  The evening was capped off with some very humourous antics involving our fearless Executive Director.  If you were not there, you'll have to ask around, but it involved a duet, long hair, a headband, and some creative harmony.  The rest may be floating around on the Internet for your enjoyment.
The evening was not only fun, but a reminder of the amazing support we have for Christian education.  Long time supporters, new to NACE friends, family connections who traveled in for the event, staff from both school sites, and of course our board of directors all spent a few hours celebrating the gift of community over great food and laughter.
Not forgetting that this event is a fundraiser, it's exciting to report that we were able to raise over $18,000.  It's wonderful to experience the ongoing excitement for what Christian Education has done and is doing in the lives of our students and families.  A big thank you to the board and their support network (spouses, friends and family members) for pulling together an evening of celebration.  To God be the glory!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Though your sins are as scarlet

Though your sins are like scarlet....

I'm not going to lie.  The snowfall last night and this morning were not my favourite thing ever.  I actually like winter, but sometimes in this part of the world it seems to take a while to go away....

Last night I was out on the highway after a family visit driving home.  The snowbanks underneath had all melted, and the fresh blanket of snow covered everything.  There was no grass showing, there was no pavement showing... even the edges of the road were covered by the blanket of white.  It was dangerous driving so we took it slow, but the extent to which everything was now covered over and made white struck me. 

God's resurrection power over sin and death didn't only cover over my little area of sin.  It covered everything.  There are many stories in the Bible and otherwise of people who think they are 'too far gone' to be loved by God.  Over and over again, Christ reminds us that his grace is sufficient.  We need to be reminded of just how all encompassing God's redemption and grace is.  As good as the creation was when God spoke it into being, as deep as we are affected by sinful decision, so deep and far and wide is the love of God that it blankets and covers over everything.  Just as the new snow shows no evidence of anything underneath, so all encompassing is the power of the cross.

In our staff devotions this morning, Mrs. DeHaan shared the song "Glorious Day" by Casting Crowns.  As I pondered the snow cover, the lyrics of the Easter Sacrifice in that song wonderfully encompassed this truth we live with:
One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me...

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He's coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

Perhaps I'll continue to grumble about this late snowfall for the inconveniences it brings, but I will also give thanks for the picture of grace and purity with which it has blessed us!