Monday, November 3, 2014

Bucket Filling

It's November.  The heat is turned on, the last few leaves are dearly holding on, the clocks have changed, and we are entering the darkest part of the year.  Did you know that November is often referred to as 'depression month'?  It's no coincidence that schools often have the highest occurrence of behaviour issues in November and February.  The newness of the school year has worn off, we have early nightfall, and the stress of the year has set in.
Along with this seasonal depression, our 'buckets' become more empty, and our natural reaction is to treat one another more poorly than usual, or even than we intend to.  Adults and kids alike are guilty of this.  Unfortunately this creates a negative spiral... as we empty others' buckets, they pass it along.  The intentional act of 'filling' one anothers' buckets with a compliment, a kind word, a helping hand (even if we don't feel like it!!) creates a positive culture and it gets passed on.  God doesn't ask us to be kind.... He requires it.  How are we fulfilling this?
Galatians 5:22  "But the fruit of the spirit is.....kindness..."
For a fun story on 'bucket filling' and a way to talk to your kids about it:  Watch this award winning story in video form:  "How full is your Bucket for kids" by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer

The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for and deserted by everybody. The greatest evil is the lack of love and charity.— Mother Teresa

It sure is a good thing we have a Bazaar to look forward to in the middle of November!!!!

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