Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Living as Children of Light

Welcome to 2015-16!! The new year is here!

Today, in our opening assembly, we learned how dark it can get. With all of the windows blocked, all the lights off, we were in complete darkness. Paul writes to the Ephesians that they were once darkness....(Ephesians 5:8) It was a bit unsettling for most of us, until we saw the light from a small personal workspace lamp. That lamp was enough light for all of us to see one another. That's the funny thing about darkness. You can't delete it. But the small light in the centre of the room was enough to scare the darkness into the far corners of the room.

Try as it might, though, that lamp was not able to light on it's own. It needed to plug in to a power source. If it chose to wander around, it would have become unplugged and not been able to shine. "If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5) Remaining connected and plugged in to God is important.... but what about shining that light?

We next saw what happened when we try to hoard that light and keep it to ourselves, and perhaps save it. Covering our light just dims the whole room and we plunge into darkness again. At Covenant, we want to shine in our own community, but we also want to look for ways to live as children of light in our town, our region, our province, country, and the world.

We'll be looking out for 'shining lights'. What has someone done to live as a child of light, plugged in to God? Share those together so that we can continue to encourage one another this year.

Our theme song for the year is "Children of Light" by Kristian Stanfill. You can listen/view the lyrics at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNZdzmslgbs 

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