Monday, May 2, 2016


I want to share with you this morning the experience I have working with a group of  Christian Educators. Most of you are aware of the fact that each of them teaches classes, prepares lessons, works through assessment and evaluation of each student's progress, leads extra curricular activities, and commits themselves to ongoing professional development and excellent education at NACE.

What many of you don't see is the time that is spent behind the scenes in care of the children here. Outside of formal class time and time interacting with students is a great deal of collaboration that supports their craft. Specifically, our devotional time on Friday afternoons and on Monday mornings are times that not only root us in the gospel, but also spur on conversation about how we can serve our students better.

Last week Friday, following and during devotions, specific students were held up in prayer. One for the day she had just had that was difficult; another for struggles outside of school, others who are having issues getting along. The prayer time is important for each of these children, but so is the subsequent 'problem solving' time that occurs. It's amazing to encourage and witness a community of believers (a cloud of witnesses?) rally around a teacher's care and effort to reach a specific child or group of children. This staff is not only concerned about your son/daughter's academic achievement... they care deeply about their emotional, social, and spiritual well being!

Today, we began the day and week again in devotions, ready for a new week. It's raining out, and somewhat grey, but inside our staff room were voices raised, words of encouragement, and the stoking of a fire where the Spirit himself dwells in us and in our teaching, and in the regular care and concern for our kids!

May 2-6 is officially 'Teacher Appreciation Week'. While this may be another reason that stores give us to come in and purchase something, I would encourage you to find a way to share with your child(ren)'s teacher(s) our appreciation for the care and support they provide daily. An encouraging word goes a long way to bolster and fire up a group that is in the midst of 'winding up' the school year! 1 Thess 5:11 " So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing."

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